Insights | Agiliz

Enhancing Organizational Efficiency: A Data-Driven Journey with Google Cloud

Written by Steve Hillen | 9 mei, 2023

About Fednot

Fednot (Royal Federation of Belgian Notaries) supports firms by providing legal advice as well as advice on managing firms, IT solutions, training and information for the general public. It has a network of 1,200 firms, covering 1,500 notaries and 8,000 staff.

Industry: Government
Primary project location: Brussels


Implementing a Data-driven approach to pusue organizational efficiency

Agiliz collaborated with FEDNOT since 2020 to support them in the roll out of a data-driven working methodology to improve customer experience, facilitate digitalisation and organizational efficiency.

The first request was to assess the reporting needs between FedNot and its partners/ecosystem (internal and external). This has grown towards a strong partnership where Agiliz and Cronos Public are the main advisor concerning the entire Data Platform and all reporting use cases on top of this.

The challenge

FEDNOT supports notaries in every aspect of their professional needs, including IT support and IT infrastructure solutions to harmonize their daily operations. In 2020 FEDNOT set out to launch a transversal data program to increase organisational efficiency and use the content of the integrated data layer to generate actionable dynamic insights in market trends to various stakeholders.

The solution

To facilitate the data-driven way of working, FedNot has chosen to work with Google technology.  All data sources are integrated on the GCP platform : real-time data pipelines are moved into a dimensional model serving the self-service layer as well as business dashboards.

A differentiator in this decision is the seamless cloud based integration of front-end (Looker) and back-end (BigQuery) on one hand, but most of all the Looker semantic layer is installed as a single gateway towards data consumption, combining various data sources in a single platform fueling Business Intelligence solutions and supporting day-to-day operations. An example of such an application is the ‘Notary Barometer’ which provides insights on the Belgian Immo market.


Key Features

  • A portal for client reports & dashboards
  • Centralized business logic layer
    • Governed by BI team / IT
    • Qualitative “always on” for business
  • Monitoring usage / adoption
  • Cloud native product of Google
  • Designed to share data inside & outside the organization

The results

FEDNOT is using the Google Cloud to make data insightful in a dynamic proactive manner aiming to support their Notaries and inform all Belgian citizens as much as possible in the area of Immo, Enterprise and Family, based on the data artefacts.

The data-driven Future

The idea is to turn around the “on request” way of working between business and BI team towards a “always on” way of working, introducing a well governed self-service layer next to dynamic dashboards and scheduled reports.  From there all users can supply themselves with answers to business questions, as well as creating strategic insights.